Celebrate the closing of the exhibition with live music and performances.
Confirmed RSVP only
RSVP essential rsvp@gesteparis.com
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Celebrate the closing of the exhibition with live music and performances.
Confirmed RSVP only
RSVP essential rsvp@gesteparis.com
Exclusive immersive creative and meditative experience within the work of Daphane Park led by Charlène Delaville
This is more than just contemplating art ! This session is a deep dive into the uncharted territories of your imagination !
Participation EUR 55 but use coupon code UTOPIUM-DP for 10% discount for friends of GESTE
Participation is limited to just 10 adults.
Join artist Fiona Valentine Thomann and wine expert Marc Fèvre where wine and sculpture converge to create a profound dialogue between the exhibition, the senses and the mind.
RSVP essential rsvp@gesteparis.com
Suggested donation of EUR 10 which includes wine.
Cello soloist virtuoso, John KIM will guide us into the profound depths of UtOpium, creating a resonant dialogue with the exhibition at GESTE Paris.
RSVP essential rsvp@gesteparis.com
Suggested donation EUR 20 includes refreshments.
GESTE talk series continues with the second talk for UtOpium.
Tonights event is full, confirmed guests only please.
4:30pm Cracking the Code: The secret language of artists
What role do codes (formal, psychological, technological) play in the creation and interpretation of symbols in artistic practices?
GESTE artists Kwama Frigaux, Naomi B Cook and Shiva Lynn Burgos discuss the hidden and subliminal meanings inherent in their works on display at UtOpium.
Surprise Guest moderator, international coding expert.
5:30 PM Objects of Desire: Exploring the Intersection of Collecting and Fetishism
Photography has long been intertwined with fetishism, serving as a medium to capture and immortalize objects of desire as well as individuals engaging in their own passionate pursuits. In a parallel vein, collectors often develop a complex relationship with their acquisitions, openly displaying their treasures or harboring them in secretive, almost naughty ways.
Distinguished panel: GESTE artist Jason Gardner and photographer/collector of fine objects Ian Wright.
Moderated by Dominic Palfreyman, art collector
Drinks to follow until 9pm
Tonights event is full, confirmed guests only please.
Please join us for a tour of the exhibition UtOpium with the curators and artists. Refreshments and cocktails will follow.
RSVP essential RSVP@gesteparis.com
Please join us for drinks for the vernissage opening of UtOpium
RSVP essential RSVP@gesteparis.com
This event is at capacity.
Saturday, Nov 2 at 5:30 pm
Obsession in Surrender: Seeking the Sublime in Creation and Collecting
Artistic creation often borders on obsession, where artists surrender to the process and desired outcomes. Similarly, collectors obsessively seek deeper meaning in the objects they acquire. This session delves into these themes with a distinguished panel: GESTE artists Betsy Green, Daphane Park, Naomi B Cook and art collector Dominic Palfreyman.
Moderated by Skinder Hundal, co-curator UtOpium, Founding Partner Shin Dō
and at 6:30 pm
High Art - the use of plant medicines and psychedelics in contemporary art
How does the historical practice of consuming botanicals affect ways of seeing? Should this be recognised as a form of artistic medium?
GESTE artists Fiona Valentine Thomann, Valéry Schatz and Jorge Rosano Gamboa guide us through their journeys from self-discovery to utopian ideation trips that inform their creative imperatives.
Moderated by Shiva Lynn Burgos, co-curator UtOpium, Founding Partner Shin Dō
Confirmed RSVP’s only.
previous events: GESTE Paris Conversations
GESTE Paris continues its series of salon discussions with three dynamic and interactive conversations. Followed by a cocktail reception.
Please join us on Sunday 12 November 2023 from 15:00.
Full information and speaker’s biographies on the homepage.
RSVP essential rsvp@gesteparis.com
Tonights event is full. Confirmed RSVPs only please.
L'événement de ce soir est complet. RSVP confirmés seulement s'il vous plaît.
RSVP essential rsvp@gesteparis.com
Please join us for a Nocturne with the curators and artists of the exhibition Meta_Contra_Verse.
Rejoignez-nous pour une Nocturne avec les commissaires et les artistes de l’exposition Meta_Contra_Verse.
RSVP essential rsvp@gesteparis.com
Please join us for a Nocturne with the curators and artists of the exhibition Meta_Contra_Verse.
Rejoignez-nous pour une Nocturne avec les commissaires et les artistes de l’exposition Meta_Contra_Verse.
RSVP essential rsvp@gesteparis.com
Artists Presentation and Salon Discussion
GESTE Paris will host a fireside chat with our artists and experts for an inclusive discussion on Saturday, 19 November discussing topics such as the future of design, digital means of art and architecture production, and its applications in the Metaverse and in the real world. At 18h. We are open from mid-day and for teatime at 16h. This is a moment to discover the exhibition and meet the curators and GESTE artists MONOMO and Gus and others.
Will be followed by drinks
RSVP essential rsvp@gesteparis.com
Curator Tour and Artists Talk
RSVP essential rsvp@gesteparis.com
Salon in the presence of artists and experts
17h Meta_Place: Territorial/Celestial/Intangible/Concrete
Camille Gajate, Co-curator GESTE Paris in conversation with Clément Briend, Artist, Lexïng Zhang, GESTE jurist and Beatrice Masi, Spaceless Gallery.
18h Letters from the Future: Artificial Intelligence_ Contra_Art
Led by GESTE jurist Tariq Krim, technologist and digital anthropologist, in conversation with GESTE founder Shiva Lynn Burgos, artists MONOMO, Damien McDonald and Aaron Huey alongside experts: co- curator Georg Bak, Art Advisor Crypto+Blockchain Art, Hervé Gonay, R&D Al research
After the conference finishes there will be a cocktail dinatoire and soirée.
RSVP essential to rsvp@gesteparis.com or sms/whatsapp to +33 (0) 7 81 28 49 03
Late opening Nocturne for the exhibition until 11pm
The curators and some of the artists will be present.
RSVP essential to rsvp@gesteparis.com or sms/whatsapp to +33 (0) 7 81 28 49 03
Vernissage/ Nocturne for the exhibition Meta_Contra_Verse until 9pm
Meet the curators and artists!
RSVP essential to rsvp@gesteparis.com or sms/whatsapp to +33 (0) 7 81 28 49 03
Artist presentation and curators’ tour.
Shiva Lynn Burgos and Camille Gajate, curators of Meta_Contra_Verse invite you to a private tour of the exhibition in the presence of the artists:
Clément Briend Gus Manon Lanjouère Flavia Souza
Drinks will be served afterwards.
Shiva Lynn Burgos et Camille Gajate, commissaires de Meta_Contra_Verse vous invitent à participer à une visite privée en présence des artistes :
Clément Briend Gus Manon Lanjouère Flavia Souza
suivi d'un apéritif
RSVP essential to rsvp@gesteparis.com or text/whatsapp to +33 (0) 7 81 28 49 03
Soirée de Finissage - Closing Party
RSVP essentiel à rsvp@gesteparis.com
Veuillez noter qu’il s’agit d’une résidence privée, les réservations sont donc obligatoires et les places sont limitées. Protocole sanitaire COVID en vigueur.
Conférence Artistes - Artists Talk
16h << perception & mesure >> "Perception & Measure"
avec Jonathan J Attia, chercheur en informatique quantique (quantum computing researcher)
16:30h « la création d'images quantiques, le prototypage post-photographique et l'avenir des NFT »
"quantum image making, post-photographic prototyping and the future of NFTs"
avec GESTE artistes darktaxa-project: Michael Reisch, David Young
Animé par l'artiste Shiva Lynn Burgos, la fondatrice de GESTE.
RSVP essential rsvp@gesteparis.com
or text/SMS or WhatsApp to +33 (0) 7 81 28 49 03
plus Instagram livestream @geste.paris
Veuillez noter qu’il s’agit d’une résidence privée, les réservations sont donc obligatoires et les places sont limitées. Protocole sanitaire COVID en vigueur.
16h Marc Lenot dirige une visite guidée de l'exposition.
Marc Lenot est critique d'art et écrit à propos de la photographie. Son livre “Jouer contre les Appareils” (Éditions Photosynthèses) et son blog « Lunettes Rouges » (LeMonde.fr) sont des incontournables pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la photographie.
Exhibition tour with Marc Lenot. Marc Lenot is an art critic and a writer about photography. His book, Jouer contre les Appareils (Éditions Photosynthèses) and his blog “Lunettes Rouges” (LeMonde.fr) are must reads for everyone interested in photography.
RSVP essential rsvp@gesteparis.com
or text/SMS or WhatsApp to +33 (0) 7 81 28 49 03
Samedi 13 novembre. Début de notre série de conférences d'artistes.
Please join us for the first of a series of exhibition tours and artists talks.
14h «Futur Conditionnel et perception: Rendre l'invisible visible»
"Future Conditional and perception: Making the invisible visible"
avec les artistes GESTE: Rafael Y Herman, Antoine Ribaut, Michael Wesely,
animée par DY Ngoy, Directeur Artistique du Perspective Institute of Art and Music.
15:30h : Performance par Dan Marre
16h « Futur Conditionnel : collaborations photographiques éphémères mettant en jeu paysages et artefacts culturels »
“Future Conditional: Ephemeral photo-based collaborations with landscapes and cultural artefacts"
avec les artistes GESTE: Ania Freindorf, Alexane Morin, The Mariwai Project, Achim Mohné (dark-taxa project),
animée par Estelle Onema, historienne de l'art (Ecole de Louvre) et commissaire indépendant spécialisée dans les scènes émergentes.
RSVP essential rsvp@gesteparis.com
or text or WhatsApp to +33 (0) 7 81 28 49 03
Nocturne in the presence of the artists. Please join us for an evening with the artists.
Nocturne en présence des artistes. Rejoignez-nous pour une nocturne avec les artistes.
RSVP essential rsvp@gesteparis.com
or text/SMS or WhatsApp to +33 (0) 7 81 28 49 03
The exhibition Future Conditional will begin on 3 Nov and continue through 18- december
to attend please rsvp
Celebrate the last public day of our exhibition La Vérité Déguisée
30+ artists +++artist talk 17-19h “Revealing inherent patterns, irrational beauty: Al, machine learning and algorithmic image making in art” followed by Finissage Party**special performance**DJ
Author Philip Mann will relate the exhibition The Truth in Disguise to The Decay of Lying, by Oscar Wilde. He is joined by artist Guillaume Thomas and exhibition curator Shiva Lynn Burgos RSVP essential rsvp@gesteparis.com
Cocktail with artists and curators talk and tour
RSVP essential rsvp@gesteparis.com
Discover upcoming events at GESTE Paris.
This discussion will focus on repositioning the imagery of refugees and war victims, colonial and cultural histories.
With GESTE artists Shiva Lynn Burgos, Baptiste Giroudon, Felipe Jacome, Miki Nitadori and Gloria Oyarzabal.
The exhibition is open 12-6pm
RSVP essential rsvp@gesteparis.com